So I'm Just back from Southern New Hampshire University tonight in Hooksett, NH. Thankfully I got to drive home and not back to a hotel for this show. Life on the road can be very blah sometimes lol.
We (as in myself and my two good friends Anton and Jeff who were kind enough to tag along with me to record and check out the show. Thanks again guys!) had a fantastic show and I've realized that being a mentalist, sometimes the silent responses to my effects are better than applause. The sheer shock and awe on the kid's faces tonight was startling, jaws on the tables, eyeballs spinning in their heads, can't beat it. I'll take stunned silence any day, although we did have some very funny moments, Mr. 5/6. You know who you are!
As most of the colleges who work with me know, I always close with my question and answer demonstration. Where everyone writes down questions about life, love and whatever else is on their mind at the time and I attempt to mentally divine the questions and ultimately, the answers. Unfortunately due to time constraints we could not get to everyone's questions, but I did promise to answer all of the other ones I happened to miss here on this blog post. So here they are. Now please be aware, and I can not stress this enough. NO questions were read after the performance, they were all immediately thrown away. If you don't believe me, well... check your trash haha.
The Missed Questions:
For: Danielle Dow or Daw
Your question was "Where will I be in 7 months"
I believe it will be somewhere having to do with school and studying, but I'm not 100%. I do not know exactly where it is. But for some reason England and Ireland keep popping into my head.
For: Katie M.
Your question was "What is my boyfriend's name?"
His name is Ryan.. and he's just super haha
For MB:
You asked if you would marry Bill.
Now short of being wrong on this I can with almost full confidence say that Yes, eventually you will. Just don't give him such a hard time (you know what I'm talking about)
For: Kayla Diskin:
You asked if you will be chosen as a JumpStart mentor.
I think you will, they like you a lot.
For anonymous:
You asked when you will get married.
I think you will be 26 or 27.. but it will not be to who you expect.
For anonymous:
You live in Washington dorm.
For J.L:
You asked what you had surgery on when you were born.
It was on your left clubbed foot. Hope it worked out for you!
For J.F:
You asked when you will get a serious boyfriend.
Without naming names, (because I don't know), you'll get one when you're ready for it. Which I know you think you are, but you are not yet. Just be aware because he is around you all the time and you don't even know it.
P.S : Yes you know him.
For Anonymous:
You asked what your best friend's names are.
Joanne & Corinna
For Ali:
You asked what your boyfriend's name was.
Josh Hoxie
For Anonymous:
I believe that with 10 years being your goal. You are likely to not move back to NYC right away. Shorten your amount of time to get there and you'll psychologically force yourself to make it there again faster. Don't wait to long though, in this case good things do not come to those who wait. You belong in NYC. Live it up!
For Anonymous... again:
You asked when you were getting engaged.
Find a guy first.. then worry about getting engaged. Just kidding! The guy you're with now just may be the one, but you are doubting it somewhat. Don't worry, I'll give it a year. (until he pops the Q)
For Amy Collard:
You also asked if your current boyfriend would propose to you.
The best I can say about this is. You tend to bring this up a lot with him. Don't over push it or you'll scare him. He loves you and wants to spend some serious time with you. Let it work out and you'll be happy with the results.
For Emily:
You asked what you will be doing career wise.
I think you will be focused in marketing, brand management with specifics in Advertising. Enjoy it and work hard!
For KM:
You live in Osterville, MA - Cape Cod.
For Anonymous:
You asked what your dorm number is.
For Anonymous:
You asked how many people you graduated with.
It was small, only 56.
For Meghan C.
You asked who you're favorite actor was.
I take it your either a Harry Potter fan, or a Twilight fan considering Robert Pattinson hasn't done to much else. (Wait until you see New Moon)
For Katie M.
Your boyfriend's name is Ryan.
Well that just about does it. If you happen to see you're question make sure you comment on it so others can see.
Again, thank you Southern New Hampshire University I had an awesome time and I can't wait to come back!
Take Care,
Chris Bolter
Wednesday - March 4th, 2009 1:16am