Like all of my shows I always close with my Question and Answer demonstration. Last night was no different. I received a huge number of questions last night, with about 65 people in the audience there was 64! questions submitted! And I will come find the person who was too cool to write down a little question for me!! Just kidding.
Unfortunately because of time constraints on the show I'm only able to mentally answer about 10-12 questions. But as promised and like I do with all of my shows. I will now go ahead and address all of the uncalled questions.
Here's how it works if you're new to this. If you wrote your name on the question I will use your first name and answer your question honestly. If you did not write a name, I will address you as "Anonymous" and still answer your question honestly.
Here we go!
The Missed Questions:
Q: What is my favorite part of a turkey? - Alec
A: Alec, it is the dark meat! (my favorite too!)
Q: What is my presidential campaign slogan? - Ronaldo
A: Your slogan is "Change". Very simple and easy to get on board with. Also, thanks for all of your help Ronaldo!
Q: What is my brother's Korean name? - Nick
A: His name is Jungi. Very cool name by the way.
Q: What sport did you participate in while in high school? - Greg
A: You were a part of the wrestling team!
Q: What kind of car does my dad drive? - Sun
A: He drives a dark colored 2007 Honda Accord
Q: What is the flower of my sorority? - Alex
A: Your sorority flower is the Violet!
Q: What is the best part about my name? - Stum
A: There are no "E"s.
Q: What is the second word in the name of my elementary school? - Cromwell
A: This is a great question! So obscure. Anyways, the word is "Cox"
Q: What town did my dad grow up in? - Arielle
A: Also a great question. He grew up in Hicksville, New York. Why do I hear the theme song from deliverance?
Q: What is my first pet's name? - Ronaldo again
A: Thanks for writing two questions Ronaldo, his name was Alex.
Q: Will I go to China this summer? - Anonymous
A: Even though you're questioning going, asking the question "Will I go" kind of sounds like you're on the fence a little bit. I believe if you really want to go then you will. I have a feeling you just might. Let me know how it was when you get back!
Q: What is the make and model of my road bike? - Sun
A: It is a sweet Bianchi Europa
Q: Which Mass T line has the hottest girls? - Tim
A: Undoubtedly the green line.
Q: What is my middle name? - Anonymous
A: Your middle name is Alexandrovna .. cooool!
Q: What is the serial number of my saxaphone? - Anthony
A: Another awesome if not my favorite question! - The serial number is 200679
Q: What was my first car? - Ned
A: It was an ugly 1984 Jetta GLI (just kidding it wasn't that ugly)
Q: What were the colors of my school uniform when I lived in Australia? - Yuting
A: Another amazingly random question! They were gold and (your words here) Puke Green!
Q: What is my home address ? - Akira
A: 1-22-1-108 Nakamachi - Tokyo, Japan (this is not the full address obviously) And thank you for also including the literal Japanese characters here hehe.
Q: What did I do last summer? - Ainsley
A: God you people have some cool names. You did rowing for Canada.
Q: What college did my sister go to? - Margarita
A: Occidental College !
Q: What is the name of the street I grew up on? - Jean
A: It was Nicholson Dr. thank you for another awesome question Jean!
Well that just about concludes all of the questions. I did leave out a few personal ones and some that shouldn't be addressed on this forum. If you personally do not see your question send me an email at chris@chrisboltermagic.com and I will be happy to go over it with you!
I just want to say thank you to Gamma Phi Delta Theta for having me last night. You guys were awesome and I had a great time performing for you! I hope to see you again in the fall and blow your minds again!
Peace, Love, Life - Christopher Bolter