So it's June 7th, 2009 and I just finished a rather lively performance down in Wayland, MA. Not only were the kids there awesome. Everyone had a great time which makes me really happy. In fact, they liked it so much that one particular family hired me on the spot for an upcoming event this Friday.
Well as we all know I do not leave any questions from my Q&A section unanswered. Below you will find the answers to the questions I did not get to during the performance. Again the same formula applies. If there is no name, it will be marked as anonymous.
The Questions:
Q:What did I have for breakfast this morning? - Anonymous
A: You had a googie or a google. Something like that. I'm not sure what it is but I bet you loved it.
Q: Where do I work out? - Chris S.
A: Chris, you work out at Cressey Performance.
Q: What is my dog's name? - Julia
A: Your dog's name is Comet. Just like the golden retriever in Full House.
Q: What are my cousin's names? - Jade
A: There names are Jeffery and Dan.
Q: What is my sister's name? - Marika
A: Her name is Julia.
Q: When will I get married and to whom? - Jill
A: Everyone wants to know these types of questions. Unfortunately, I truly do not know at this time. I do have a slight feeling that you may already know him. But you will have no desire at the present time to start anything with this individual. I see him as a rather large guy, broad shouldered, perhaps brown eyes and a slightly darker complexion. Much taller than you also. Maybe into sports or some type of activity. Maybe football or hockey? Let me know how it goes!
Q: What did I order at Starbucks today? - Anonymous
A: Something delicious. :)
Q: What was the name of my first dog? - Dominico
A: His name was Pete I believe.
Q: What did Jeff do on Hill night? - Rachelle
A: He camped out in a tent or in some kind of rv.
Q: What are my grandmother's names? Alison
A: Alison, they're names are Nora and Jane.
Q: What was the name of my pet that ran away? - Heidi
A: Heidi, his name was Smokey and I'm very sorry about that.
Q: How many kids am I going to have? - Elise
A: Another one of these hard to answer questions. Well Elise you lead me to believe you certainly want kids. And the fact that you're asking "how many" will I have also leads me to believe you want more than one. I'm going to assume you'll have 3 but no more than 4.
Q: What was the name of my childhood band? - Fr. Krakor
A: The name of the band was "The Hye Daghas"
Q: At what age will I get married? - Jen
A: 28 years old. :)
Q: What hospital was I born in? - Dominico Jr.
A: You were born in Beth Israel Hospital.
Q: What was the name of my first golden retriever? - Anonymous
A: His name was Zizig.
Well that just about covers all of the unanswered questions. Again I want to thank the Hyde family for having me down tonight. I had a great time and look forward to coming back in the future!
Christopher Bolter - June 8th, 2009 - 1:30AM