I'm absolute rubbish with keeping up with my blog. But constant updates are going to becoming faster and faster. Aside from that I just performed (just being 3 days ago now) a fantastic show at Springfield College in western Massachusetts. My home town of Quincy is about 2.5 hours east right south of Boston. So I had a nice road trip across the state.
The show was held in the very cool Alumni Hall right on the back end of the camp
To some students who I may not have reached during the Question and Answer phase of the show.
(only those who were at the show who wrote questions will understand the following statements)
For S.D:
Your favorite colors are red, green and yellow.
For Joanna C:
Why? Because you said so!
For Meagan:
Your mother's name is Lynn
For A.R:
You work at Six Flags New England (and you just love it!)
For D.S:
Your dog's name is Marley
For A.L:
If Nikki plays her cards right I believe they will
For Alison Harder:
Your sis' boyfriend's name is Mike L.
For Mindy:
Only if you switch majors. Jk.. If you work hard and love what you do you most certainly will
For C.C:
Your favorite TV show is "What I like about you"
For A.S:
Your first dog was a cockier spaniel - her name was Candy Girl
For Meg T:
You were born at Shaw Air Force Base Hospital in Sumter, South Carolina
For Kyle:
You had your wallet, ipod and cellphone stolen from you. Hang on to your stuff man!
For Sean:
Your nephew's name is Anthony
Well that's pretty much it. If I missed you I sincerely apologize and hope you enjoyed the rest of the performance. If you check back on my facebook page and YouTube, along with my web site of course you should see some clips from the show very soon! So stick around!
I wanted to thank Ryan and Sam for all their amazing help at Springfield, my crew and I had an awesome time and can not wait to come back.
See you all soon.. and don't forget... I'm in your heads!!
Chris 2/24/09
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